Call for proposals

It is no longer possible to submit proposals.

CHAT-driven researchers and practitioners were invited to submit proposals in the following subthemes:

  • Promoting inclusiveness in social practices
  • Promoting interaction in social practices
  • Dealing with climate change
  • Dealing with inequality
  • Dealing with technology
  • Meaningful education
  • Imagining future worlds
  • Bringing together theory and practice
  • Creative ways to do research


Monday 2 October 2023
Call for proposals
Monday 2 October 2023
Call for pre-congress workshops
Friday 1 December 2023
Deadline proposal pre-congress workshop
Thursday 11 January 2024
Online registration open
Thursday 1 February 2024
Deadline submission proposals
Thursday 15 February
EXTENDED DEADLINE submission proposals

For those who are pressed for time, please note that the submission portal will close on Monday 19 February at 9:00 AM CET.

Thursday 25 April 2024
Acceptance notification
Wednesday 15 May 2024
23:59 hrs. CEST
End early bird discount
Wednesday 29 May 2024
23:59 hrs. CEST
Deadline registration presenters
Wednesday 12 June 2024
Publication final programme
27 August 2024

- Pre-congress workshops

- PhD-day

Wednesday - Friday
28-30 August 2024
29 August 2024